【同义词辨析】 2019-06-27 空学pedantic-bookish

pedantic: implies ostentation in learning and stodginess in expression and may connote absorption in scholarly matters to the exclusion of truly significant issues: gave an infuriatingly ~ discourse on the matter.  stodgy有两个意思,1、指食物易饱的,感觉撑的,难消化的applies to food that is heavy and makes you feel very full,如drowsiness induced by a stodgy meal饱餐引起的困倦, 如his doctor told him to avoid stodgy food like pizzas and barbecue他的医生让他别吃馅饼烧烤之类的难消化食物; 2、指人古板严肃无趣applies to someone who is old-fashioned, serious, and boring,如why is the middle class so stodgy, so utterly without a sense of humor?中产阶级为什么这么古板无趣毫无幽默感?如a stodgy dinner party一个老套无聊的宴会)    

academic: is likely to stress abstractness and a lack of practical experience and interests that deprive one of the ability to deal with realities: the economist's concerns seemed more ~ than practical.  抽象是有选择的忽略abstraction is selective ignorance这句话很经典,最好背下来

scholastic: is likely to imply aridity, formalism, adherence to the letter, and sometimes subtlety: presented a hopelessly ~ argument.  arid=very dry非常干燥的 formal正式的形式的implies what is according to custom指遵从规则惯例的,暗指人僵硬拘束老套stiff, restrained, and old-fashioned, 如a formal report/manner正式报告/正式(拘束)的举止)   (letter这里表示字面字眼implies what is written和精神spirit相对,如a justice that transcends the letter of law超越法律字面的正义,如enforced the spirit rather than the letter of the law执行法律的精神而不是法律的字眼) 解释中adherence to the letter是执拗拘泥于字面字眼的意思    subtle晦涩难懂微妙+,指难以看清的微小细节或关系,如subtle logic/relatinship/difference微妙的逻辑/关系/差异

bookish: may suggest learning derived from books rather than actualities: had about him an effete, ~ air. 这里actual=real

pedantic老学究古板: 形容人只钻研学问,并古板无趣地炫耀学问,以致忽视了更重要的事情(应用),academic纯学术: 强调学问抽象缺乏实践经验或兴趣,以及处理实际问题的能力,scholastic学者的: 常常表示枯燥僵硬咬文嚼字晦涩难懂,bookish书本的: 表示学问来自书本而非现实

记忆方法: 1)首字母pasb想成A BookShelf Person一个书架人<==空学     没有应用的学习是学, 没有方法的学习是死学,清黄景仁说"百无一用是书生",陆游说自己“此身合是诗人未”,苏轼说"人生识字忧患始",但没人会说苏轼陆游黄景仁百无一用,只是偶尔自讽自嘲罢了。中国历来崇文,他们都饱读诗书,不是说读书无用,而是不能空学死学,以致纸上谈兵缺乏实践。

        2)空学的意思狭窄地关注学问mean too narrowly concerned with learned matters.